Ozone sterilizer is harmful to the human body

The concentration of ozone contained in a legitimate ozone sterilizer is made in accordance with safety codes, and basically does not cause harm to humans when the machine is running well. However, in some unexpected circumstances, such as ozone disinfection machine damage, improper use, ozone leakage may occur, when the higher concentration of ozone in the environment may be harmful to the human body, such as the respiratory system, blood circulation system and the nervous system. First, the hazards: 1, respiratory system: inhalation of large amounts of ozone may have a certain impact on the human respiratory system, because ozone has a certain degree of oxidation, a large number of inhalation may lead to lung tissue damage, affecting lung function. May appear chest tightness and shortness of breath, sore throat, cough and other common symptoms of the respiratory system, or asthma, respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases; 2, blood circulation system: ozone through the blood into the circulatory system, may affect the blood circulation system, such as arrhythmia, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases; 3, the nervous system: ozone may cause neurotoxicity, such as dizziness, headache, nausea and other 4, other: ozone will stimulate the human eyes, nose and other parts of the skin mucous membrane, resulting in local skin mucous membrane irritation pain and other uncomfortable reactions. In addition, ozone may also damage the human skin in the cellulose, resulting in dark spots on the skin. Second, the treatment: to avoid ozone damage, open the ozone disinfection machine, personnel try not to stay indoors. When a small amount of ozone leakage should immediately open the windows to reduce the ozone content in the environment. If there is a large amount of ozone leakage, you should evacuate the environment with high ozone content in time. You can re-enter after wearing protective equipment such as a breathing mask to help ventilate the environment.

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