Can you eat carrots and white radishes together?

Red radish and white radish can be eaten together, but need to be in moderation.
Both carrots and white radish contain water, dietary fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other nutrients, low-fat and low-calorie, which can promote metabolism to help digestion and replenish water. Compared with white radish, red radish has higher content of carotenoids and sugars, and has a sweeter taste, which can supplement carotenoids and sugars when consumed in moderation.
Eating white radish and red radish together can increase the color contrast of food, which can improve appetite, replenish the nutrients needed by the human body, improve the body’s resistance, and will not produce substances harmful to the human body.
However, when the two are consumed too much at the same time, it will aggravate the burden on the stomach and intestines, resulting in hiccups, bloating and pain, and causing gastrointestinal discomfort. It is recommended that the daily diet is light and nutritious, with a reasonable mix of coarse and fine grains, meat and vegetables, and avoid cold, spicy and stimulating foods.

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