Is the left ventricle 55mm too big?

The left ventricle is one of the four chambers of the heart and has a conical shape. If the inner diameter of the left ventricle is 55mm, it is not too large for men and slightly too large for women. However, the diagnosis should be made in the context of the physical condition and the ultrasound report of the heart. The internal diameter of the left ventricular cavity is different in men and women. The normal diameter of the left ventricular cavity is 41-56mm in men and 34-49mm in women, so the left ventricular cavity diameter of 55mm is too large for women. However, it depends on the thickness of the left and right ventricular walls, the inner diameter of the left and right ventricular chambers, and the presence or absence of clinical symptoms on the basis of cardiac ultrasound to determine whether the left ventricular chamber inner diameter is large. If accompanied by obvious clinical symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dyspnea, etc., further examination is recommended. Specific treatment should be in accordance with medical advice.

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