What’s wrong with the right back pain?

The symptoms of swelling and pain in the right side of the lower back are most likely due to lumbar fasciitis. Most soft tissue injuries or lesions are usually associated with tingling or soreness, but rarely with swelling and pain. Lumbar fasciitis, however, is one of the very few soft tissue disorders that can exhibit localized swelling and pain. Fasciitis is usually caused by overexertion, and persistent local cold stimulation is also a common cause of lumbar fasciitis. Whether the stimulation is from exertion or cold, damage to the fascia or impaired circulation can occur, leading to local inflammatory exudation and pain. Most of the swelling symptoms are caused by high pressure in the tissues, and excessive exudation can lead to an increase in pressure in the interstitial space of the fascia, resulting in localized swelling and pain. If local adhesions occur due to excessive severity, the pain level will be significantly increased, and there will be restricted movement, muscle tension and stiffness.

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