Does pleural depression in lung cancer mean pleural metastasis?

Pleural depression of lung cancer is not necessarily pleural metastasis. Pleural depression is a kind of expression of medical imaging, which can only indicate that there is disease at pleura, which makes pleura crumple and collapse, and forms localized lung atelectasis, which is shown as depression in imaging examination. Lung cancer pleural depression can only show that there are lesions in the depressed part of pleura, and it can not show that the lung cancer lesion invades into pleura, i.e. pleural metastasis, and there is a possibility that lung cancer leads to pulmonary atelectasis in the depressed part of pleura, and if it is to be determined, it is necessary to carry out pleural puncture for pathologic examination. Lung cancer pleural depression should go to regular hospital in time, and the doctor should determine the cause of the disease according to the symptoms, signs and auxiliary examination, and then give the correct treatment for the cause of the disease.

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