What are the causes of irregular menstruation in women

The causes of irregular menstruation in women may be physiological or pathological, and need to be analyzed specifically. 1. Physiological factors: generally after the age of 45, ovarian function declines, causing a significant reduction in the number of follicles, which in turn leads to irregular menstruation, resulting in low menstrual flow, prolonged menstruation or changes in the menstrual cycle; in addition, if a woman’s mental stress, sleep deprivation, emotional fluctuations, and changes in the environment, can also lead to irregular menstruation. 2. Pathological factors: certain gynecological diseases such as adenomyosis and uterine fibroids can cause irregular menstruation, heavy menstrual flow or prolonged menstrual period; endocrine disorders such as dysfunctional uterine bleeding or polycystic ovary syndrome can cause increased menstrual flow and irregular menstrual flow, and may even cause anemia. It is recommended that women with irregular periods should go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment to avoid affecting their health.

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