How to treat adult women who don’t grow nipples

Adult women who do not grow nipples usually require surgery to treat them. If adult female nipples are visually absent, they may be completely inverted, mainly due to congenital maldevelopment, such as shortening of the milk ducts, fibrotic contracture of the internal tissues of the breast pulling the nipple resulting in inversion, and lack of tissue under the nipple to support, etc. Surgery is usually required to correct and treat the problem. Generally, surgery is needed for correction and treatment, and the surgery mainly adopts incision method, which needs to completely cut off the breast ducts and loosen the nipple filling tissues, which is more effective, but will lose the function of breastfeeding. If the nipple is surgically removed due to some breast disease, nipple flap or rib cartilage combined flap can be used to reconstruct the nipple.

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