Do you get headaches with dry syndrome?

Dry syndrome may cause headache symptoms related to central nervous system involvement, and headache may also be caused by intracranial disease, extracranial disease, neurosis or systemic disease. Dry syndrome can involve multiple systems, and lesions can occur at all levels of central nervous involvement, and can involve multiple sites at the same time. Therefore, the clinical manifestations are varied, such as single or multiple cranial neuritis, hemiparesis, hemianopsia, epilepsy, psychiatric disorders of consciousness, multiple sclerosis-like lesions, severe cognitive disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease-like lesions, etc., which may lead to headache. 1. Intracranial diseases: Headache symptoms may occur in patients with intracranial vascular diseases, intracranial infectious diseases or intracranial space-occupying diseases. 2. Extracranial diseases: temporal arteritis, bone disease neuralgia or headache of ear, eye, dental or nasal origin may also cause headache symptoms. 3. Neurosis: heat stroke, poisoning, chronic systemic infections, cardiovascular disease and other causes of vegetative nerve dysfunction can also cause headache. 4. Systemic diseases: hysteria, neurasthenia and other systemic diseases can lead to headache symptoms. It is recommended that patients with headache symptoms timely consultation to the relevant departments of the regular hospital for detailed consultation, and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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