What’s wrong with babies biting their tongues?

Biting tongue in infants is considered to be caused by factors such as imperfect development, abnormal occlusion and ataxia.
1. Imperfect development: Because infants are young, the flexibility of the tongue is not yet well developed, so the symptom of tongue biting will occur. With the growth of the baby’s age, the tongue muscles will gradually become more flexible, and this symptom will be improved.
2. Abnormal bite: If the baby’s parents have misaligned teeth, the baby may inherit the parent’s genes leading to misaligned teeth, and in the process of biting, the symptom of tongue biting will appear.
3. Ataxia: If there is fetal hypoxia or intracranial injury during delivery, it will cause damage to the baby’s brain nerves, which will trigger ataxia, making the brain unable to control the tongue and causing the symptoms of tongue biting in infants.
There may be other reasons for babies biting their tongues, so it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then give targeted treatment or therapy under the guidance of the doctor.

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