What if Montelukast doesn’t work for watery stools?

Watery stools may be caused by acute gastroenteritis, intestinal flora imbalance, bacillary dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome and other causes. Watery stools take montelukast does not work, because montelukast is not a panacea, need to combine the cause of the symptomatic treatment. The purpose of taking montelukast is to protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. After entering the intestinal tract, montelukast will adhere to the intestinal wall, slowing down or preventing some harmful metabolites from stimulating the intestinal tract. But montelukast can not solve all the problems of diarrhea, so it may feel that watery stools take montelukast does not work. Watery stools should be treated scientifically, or to find the cause. Acute gastroenteritis is divided into bacterial, viral, if it is caused by bacterial infection, need to be combined with cefixime and other anti-infection, if it is caused by viral infection, montelukast combined with ribavirin. If the diarrhea is caused by intestinal flora imbalance, it needs to be combined with drugs to regulate intestinal flora, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. There are many other causes of diarrhea such as food poisoning and celiac disease. If watery stools occur, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, complete the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then give targeted treatment or therapy. Unauthorized medication is not recommended.

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