How long does it take for skin to peel after sunburn

Skin peeling after sunburn is sunburn, also known as sunburn or solar dermatitis, is an acute phototoxic reaction that occurs in the skin at the place of exposure to the sun after intense sunlight. Generally, skin peeling due to sunburn can get better in 1 to 2 weeks with aggressive treatment.
After intense sun exposure, it may lead to solar dermatitis, resulting in itching, peeling and blistering of the skin. Should be immediately removed from the ultraviolet environment, generally can be used externally with glycerite lotion and, in severe cases, can be used 3% boric acid solution wet compress. Systemic symptoms can be oral antihistamines such as loratadine, when the above treatment, peeling symptoms in 1 to 2 weeks can be good.
In normal times, attention should be paid to good sun protection, to avoid sunburn of the skin. In the sunburn wound for active treatment, the appearance of peeling or blisters timely medical treatment, to avoid aggravation of the symptoms or infection.

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