What causes red, swollen pimples?

Red and swollen pimples are usually a manifestation of acne, which may be caused by hormone level disorders, inflammatory reactions, excessive sebum secretion, and blockage of follicle sebaceous gland ducts. 1. Excessive sebum secretion: congenital development of sebaceous glands, excessive secretion of androgens, eating spicy and oily food, etc. may lead to an increase in the secretion of sebum by sebaceous glands, which blocks the opening of the hair follicles and leads to acne. 2. Hormone level disorders: Staying up late, lack of sleep, mental stress, increased secretion of androgens during puberty and other factors may lead to hormone level disorders in the body, which may easily lead to acne. 3. Inflammatory reaction: Inattention to personal hygiene, repeated scratching of the local skin and other factors can easily lead to Propionibacterium acnes infection, triggering an inflammatory reaction. 4. Follicular sebaceous gland duct obstruction: poor keratinization of the follicular opening, not paying attention to facial cleansing, especially after the use of cosmetics, contact with dust and other substances, the face is not cleaned in time, resulting in follicular opening obstruction, and the growth of redness and swelling of acne. Red and swollen pimples may also be caused by other factors, it is recommended that patients seek medical attention in a timely manner, and actively cooperate with the relevant examination, in order to clarify the cause of the disease, and carry out targeted treatment.

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