What creams work well for acne

The main reason for the appearance of acne is due to clogged pores and bacterial infection. It is effective to treat acne with anti-inflammatory creams when the acne is red, swollen and painful, such as clindamycin phosphate gel, fusidic acid ointment and benzoyl peroxide gel, which have the effect of killing acne bacilli. These creams are suitable for the acute infection period of acne. When the symptoms of pus, pimples and nodules appear, choose ointments that promote the repair of sebaceous glands of hair follicles, such as vincristine ointment, adapalene gel, tazarotene gel, etc. It should be noted that severe acne cannot be cured by only topical medication, and oral medication is needed, such as minocycline hydrochloride, clarithromycin, isotretinoin capsules, etc. In addition to the medication diet also need to pay attention to eat more celery, cauliflower and other coarse fiber food, moderate amount of water, keep the bowels open, adjust the rest time, keep enough sleep, eat less sweets, milk can reduce the chances of acne.

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