Does Bifonazole Spray work for foot odor?

Bifonazole spray for foot fungus is useful, can well inhibit the growth of fungi, kill the fungus and so on. Foot fungus, that is, tinea pedis, is due to the skin fungal infection caused by the skin disease, this disease will appear localized red spots, blisters, vesicles, etc., and will also appear obvious itching. Bifonazole Spray is mainly composed of bifonazole, an imidazole antifungal drug that inhibits the formation of fungal cell membranes. Low concentration can interfere with the synthesis of fungal cell membrane ergosterol, high concentration makes the cell membrane lipid specific binding membrane changes in the nature of the cell membrane, from both sides of the cell membrane structure and function of the obstacle, on the fungus to show a strong killing effect. Individual patients may experience localized erythema, itching, burning and other adverse reactions after the use of bifonazole, the occurrence of these reactions need to stop the drug immediately and wash the localization of the drug. It is prohibited for those who have a history of allergy to imidazoles; prohibited for those who are allergic to the components of the drug; and prohibited for mucous membrane areas, such as the eyes. However, if the skin lesions of patients with tinea pedis appear to be eroded, oozing or cracked, etc., it should be used with caution. It is recommended that patients with tinea pedis go to the hospital in time, and choose the appropriate treatment plan under the guidance of the doctor.

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