What’s wrong with your child’s stomach after falling on rollerblades?

Children playing roller skating after falling stomach pain may be abdominal wall soft tissue injury, spleen rupture, liver rupture and other causes. 1. Abdominal wall soft tissue injury: the child roller skating fall will lead to abdominal wall soft tissue contusion, causing abdominal wall soft tissue injury, congestion, pain, simple abdominal wall soft tissue injury can be gradually improved through rest. 2. Rupture of the spleen: the spleen is brittle and contains a lot of blood, and it is the most easily damaged abdominal organ. The spleen is located in the left upper abdomen. A child who falls on the left side of the body while rollerblading can rupture the spleen and form a local hematoma, causing abdominal pain. 3. Liver rupture: the liver is located in the right upper abdomen, the child roller skating fall can lead to the right upper abdomen is impact caused by liver rupture injury, liver rupture injury will also cause abdominal pain. Children playing roller skating after falling stomach pain, there may be other reasons, should go to the hospital in a timely manner to improve the examination, to clarify the cause of the disease, to avoid further development of the condition.

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