Glucuronolactone Tablets Efficacy and Effects

Glucuronolactone Tablet has the effect of adjuvant and antidote for liver diseases, and is usually useful in the adjuvant treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis. The main ingredients of Glucuronolactone Tablets are glucuronolactone, starch and magnesium stearate, which can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of chronic and acute hepatitis, as well as in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis. Secondly, glucuronolactone is a glucose metabolite produced by the human liver for the detoxification of food or drugs. The detoxification of the liver is based on glucuronolactone. After entering the human body, glucuronolactone tablets can combine with poisons containing hydroxyl and carboxyl groups to form a low-toxicity, non-toxic conjugate, which is excreted from the urine and has a hepatoprotective and detoxifying effect. In addition, Glucuronolactone Tablets can increase the content of liver glycogen and reduce fat reserves. Patients using glucuronolactone tablets have occasionally experienced adverse reactions such as flushing and mild gastrointestinal discomfort. Patients who are allergic to glucuronolactone tablets are forbidden to use it, and elderly pregnant and lactating women should use it under the guidance of physicians. Therefore, clinically, the drug is mainly used in the adjuvant treatment of chronic viral hepatitis. It can repair liver cells, reduce transaminases, regulate and improve liver function. At the same time, it reduces the fat content of liver cells and has a certain therapeutic effect on fatty liver.

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