What to do about papular urticaria caused by bedbug bites

Pemphigus urticaria caused by bedbug bites can be improved by general treatment, topical medication and oral medication.
1. General treatment: bedbugs bite caused by papular urticaria can use a lot of water to rinse the affected area, keep the skin clean and dry, do not use too hot water or chemical detergent to wash the lesions, and prohibit scratching and squeezing the lesions with hands.
2. Topical medication: patients can use corticosteroid preparations, such as hydrocortisone butyrate cream, etc.; non-steroidal drugs, such as butyl flufenamic acid ointment, etc.; antipruritic agents, such as glycerine lotion, etc.; antibiotic ointment, such as mupirocin ointment, etc., for the treatment under the guidance of doctors.
3. Oral medication: Oral antihistamines, such as cetirizine hydrochloride tablets, etc.; glucocorticoids, such as prednisone, etc.; combined with the infection can take antibiotics, such as erythromycin, etc. for treatment.
Patients with papular urticaria should actively seek medical attention and standardize treatment under the guidance of a doctor. It is recommended that patients strictly follow the doctor’s instructions for medication, do not abuse drugs, daily life should pay attention to personal hygiene, good measures to prevent insects, while paying attention to the observation of the affected area, regular review.

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