How many pills of norfloxacin for diarrhea

Eating norfloxacin when diarrhea, mainly for the intestinal tract of gram-negative bacilli treatment, mainly depends on the number of diarrhea and the amount of diarrhea. If the number of times is relatively small, the volume is relatively small, you can once a capsule, twice a day. If the amount is large and accompanied by fever and abdominal pain, it is recommended to give 2-3 capsules twice or three times a day, and to complete relevant tests such as stool routine and blood count in the hospital. Symptomatic treatment with montelukast and loperamide hydrochloride capsules should also be given. It should be noted that the use of quinolones, or norfloxacin, is contraindicated under the age of 18, which can affect the development of nerves, for adults to eat norfloxacin are allowed. When taking antibiotics is not possible, it is also not recommended to drink alcohol, because after drinking alcohol will be prone to disulfiram reaction, leading to the occurrence of drunken appearance, pay more attention to the observation of changes in body temperature and changes in diarrhea symptoms.

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