What causes a 16 year old girl not to have her period for months?

The reason why 16-year-old girls don’t come to menstruation for several months may be caused by factors such as imperfect endocrine function or other factors. 1. imperfect endocrine function: if a 16-year-old girl does not have her period for several months, it may be because the ovarian function is not yet perfect. You need to eat more nutritious food, eat more meat, eggs and milk, eat more vegetables and fruits, ensure the nutritional balance of the body, insist on exercising, avoid staying up late, etc., to promote the endocrine function as soon as possible to improve the menstrual cycle. 2. Other: the normal menstrual cycle, by the pituitary gland – hypothalamus – ovary axis of the common synergistic completion, once there is a change in the environment, mental, emotional, nervousness, disease, diet, stay up late and other reasons for the impact, may lead to menstruation for several months do not come. 16-year-old girl menstruation months do not come, need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to clarify the cause, by the doctor according to the specific situation to deal with.

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