How to cure butterfly sinusitis in children

Children’s pterygoid sinusitis may be caused by acute bacterial infection, recurrent colds, nasal polyps or deviated septum. Depending on the condition, anti-infective and other medications should be administered under the guidance of a doctor, and surgery should be performed if necessary. 1. Acute bacterial infection: children’s pterygoid sinusitis is caused by acute bacterial infection, symptoms such as decreased sense of smell, nasal congestion, earache, memory loss, etc. Oral amoxicillin clavulanic acid potassium, penicillin and other anti-infective, in general, after the symptoms are under control, it is necessary to carry out consolidation of the treatment for 1 week. 2. Repeated colds: Repeated colds can also stimulate the nasal mucosa, causing nasal mucosal edema, which in turn leads to the occurrence of pteroid sinusitis. Nasal injection of mometasone furoate nasal spray and other anti-inflammatory to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis edema, need to be used according to the course of treatment. 3. Nasal polyps or deviated septum: If there are nasal polyps or deviated septum, caused by adenoid hypertrophy, leading to sinus opening blockage, causing inflammation, may affect nasal ventilation, can consider nasal polypectomy or pterygoid sinus opening enlargement, to correct nasal deformity. Children’s pterygoid sinusitis should seek medical treatment in time, under the guidance of professional doctors. The above medicines should be taken under the guidance of a physician to avoid self-medication.

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