Eight Tips for Prostatitis Self-Prevention and Care

  1, optimistic mind: establish a happy and full of mental emotions, correct understanding of the disease, change the gray way of thinking, proactively face work, study, life and disease. To be optimistic and open-minded, timely detoxification of their bad mood.  2, do not overwork, avoid catching cold: adjust the work, life rhythm, work and rest, avoid excessive fatigue; according to the temperature changes in a timely manner to increase or decrease clothing, avoid catching cold.  3, diet light: usually drink more water, more urination, through the urine often flush the urethra, help prostate secretions discharge, prevent infection; eat more tomatoes, apples and other fruits; quit alcohol, avoid spicy stimulating food; avoid over-eating greasy food.  4, perineal loose warmth: avoid long time riding a bicycle and perineal cold; not soon sit, sit for about an hour on the stand up activity activity; less wear or not wear tight underwear.  5, adhere to the hot water sitz bath (unmarried infertile male caution), 15-30 minutes each time, to ensure a certain water temperature; pay attention to personal cleanliness and hygiene.  6, sexual intercourse rhythm: avoid contact with sexually stimulating books and audio-visual products; eliminate unclean sexual intercourse; married patients to have a regular sex life, do not too often too little, do not hold back sperm or interrupt ejaculation. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.  7, keep the bowels open: daily regular bowel movements, daily diet to eat more vegetables and fruits, in case of constipation to timely treatment.  8, strong and healthy: to develop good habits, living life regular and orderly; adhere to the appropriate physical exercise, improve blood circulation, promote the prostate fluid secretion increased, the bacterial toxins flushed, but also help drug absorption, enhance resistance, and promote inflammation recovery.

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