How to take folic acid supplements to prevent fetal malformations

  With the increasing awareness of eugenics, many mothers-to-be are aware of the benefits of folic acid supplementation for the fetus. Folic acid can promote healthy fetal brain and spinal cord development and prevent brain neural tube malformation. But how do you go about taking folic acid supplements? Clinically, I found that many patients and doctors have misconceptions.  1. The timing of supplementation is generally recommended from 3 months before to 3 months after conception.  2, dosage without special medical advice generally use 0,4-0,8 mg. It is clinically recommended to use Silien folic acid tablets. It is better to use the imported Elavil, but it is not good to buy.  3, too much folic acid dosage will cause the lack of trace elements of zinc. Eat more fruits and vegetables can play the role of food-assisted folic acid supplement.

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