What does it mean to have multiple cystic nodules in both lobes of the thyroid?

Multiple cystic nodules in the bilateral lobes of the thyroid gland are clusters formed by the abnormal proliferation of thyroid tissue with fluid content in both lobes.
The causes of thyroid nodules may be related to genetic factors, radiation factors, abnormal iodine intake, abnormal hormone metabolism in the body, external working environment, poor dietary habits and so on. There are three types of thyroid nodules: solid nodules, cystic nodules, and cystic-solid nodules, of which cystic nodules are often referred to as blister-like lesions, which contain some liquid components.
Most of the cystic thyroid nodules do not have any symptoms, and most of them are benign nodules. It is necessary to review the ultrasound of thyroid regularly to see if there is any change in the size of the nodules and to take blood tests for thyroid function, if there is no symptom, no change in the size of the nodules, and the thyroid function is normal, there is no need for any special treatment, and it is necessary to have regular review and follow-up under the guidance of the endocrinologists.
Some cystic thyroid nodules may become larger and cause pain, edema, hoarseness, cough, pressure and other symptoms. In this case, it is necessary to go to the Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery for further treatment, and surgery to remove the thyroid nodule is necessary.
If multiple cystic nodules are found in both lobes of the thyroid gland, you should go to the hospital for further consultation and treatment as prescribed by your doctor.

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