Are there red spots on the body as an early symptom of syphilis?

Early symptoms of syphilis generally refer to the earliest clinical manifestations of syphilis, which are mainly characteristic of stage 1 syphilis. A single red spot may appear on the patient’s body, which is the earliest symptom of chancre in patients with stage 1 syphilis. Syphilis is a common clinical chronic disease that is mainly sexually transmitted and is extremely infectious, with the main modes of transmission being blood, mother-to-child and sexual transmission. Hard chancre often occurs in the external genitalia or perianal area, the initial manifestation of genital erythema and nodules, and later developed into painless ulcers, often single. However, there are more reasons for red spots to appear on the body, such as mosquito bites and allergies. If the patient has high-risk behavior worried about syphilis infection should be timely medical treatment, improve the relevant examination to clarify the diagnosis, not only based on the clinical manifestations of the judgment of the condition, so as not to delay the diagnosis and treatment.

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