Does the rue flower have any medicinal value?

Also known as Azadirachta indica, it has medicinal values such as clearing the lungs and relieving cough, cooling the blood and stopping bleeding, and nourishing the heart and calming the mind.
Blume is the flower of cactus plant Blume in the family of Cactaceae, sweet in flavor and flat in nature. It belongs to lung and heart meridian. It has the efficacy of clearing the lung and stopping cough, cooling the blood and stopping bleeding, nourishing the heart and tranquilizing the mind, etc. In clinical practice, it is mainly used internally for treating lung-heat cough, consumption, hemoptysis, palpitation, insomnia, and disintegration (excessive menstruation or dripping). Lu Chuan Materia Medica records that this product can clear the lungs, stop coughing and dissolve phlegm.
The adverse reactions and contraindications of the drug are not clear, if there is any discomfort, it is recommended that timely hospital consultation, under the guidance of a professional physician, do not unauthorized use of medication, so as not to delay the condition.

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