What’s wrong with the redness and swelling on the inside of my nose that hurts when I touch it?

Redness, swelling and pain when touching the inside of the nose may be caused by damage to one side of the nose, boils in the nasal vestibule, inflammation inside the nose, and so on. 1. Injury to one side of the nose: external stimuli such as impact on one side of the nose may cause damage to the soft tissues of the nasal cavity, resulting in redness, swelling and pain when touching the inside of the nose. 2. Nasal vestibular boils: skin boils on one side of the nose can easily cause suppurative inflammation, which may lead to redness, swelling and pain when touching the inside of the nose, and in severe cases, pus may also break out and flow. 3. Intranasal inflammation: acute rhinitis, nasal vestibulitis and other intranasal inflammation can lead to congestion and swelling of the nose, which is painful to touch, and may also lead to intranasal crusting, nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms. Redness, swelling and pain when touching the inside of the nose should be avoided by digging the nose, rubbing the nose, the pain and discomfort is serious and can not be relieved, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time for a clear diagnosis and treatment.

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