What to do if your one year old baby’s teeth are decaying

One year old baby teeth erosion, consider the possibility of enamel underdevelopment. You can take general treatment, apply fluoride or artificial crown restoration at the right time. 1. General treatment: children’s enamel underdevelopment is due to systemic infections, periodontitis and other local infections, as well as factors such as vitamin D, calcium deficiency and other factors leading to the surface of the teeth is not fully developed a disease. Therefore, you can supplement vitamin D and minerals moderately, avoid infection and pay attention to oral cleaning. 2. Fluoride treatment: generally need to wait until the child is 3-6 years old, mild enamel hypoplasia can be treated with fluoride. 3. Artificial crown restoration: severe enamel hypoplasia can be treated with artificial crown restoration. One year old baby teeth corrosion, there are other treatments, it is recommended that the dental clinic as soon as possible, in the dentist’s instructions for treatment. Any oral medication should be taken in accordance with medical advice.

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