How to relieve regurgitation during pregnancy

Physiological causes of regurgitation during pregnancy can be relieved by improving diet and eating less and more frequent meals. When caused by gastritis and other pathological reasons, it can be treated by adjusting the diet, appropriate activities and medication if necessary. 1. Physiological reasons: in early pregnancy due to changes in hormone levels in the body, in about 6 weeks after menopause may regurgitate, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of early pregnancy reaction, can eat some light and easy to digest food, such as vegetables and fruits, noodles, etc., eat small meals can be appropriate to alleviate the symptoms of regurgitation, generally in about 12 weeks after menopause to recover on their own. 2. Pathological causes: gastritis can also cause regurgitation, accompanied by stomach pain and other symptoms, combined with the medical history can help diagnosis. Diet can be adjusted appropriately, eat some light and easy to digest food, avoid greasy and indigestible food, and pay attention to appropriate activities after meals to promote digestion. Medications such as aluminum sulfate chewable tablets can also be given as prescribed by the doctor. Stomach reflux during pregnancy can go to the hospital, the cause has been identified and actively dealt with.

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