Is it normal for babies to have yellow-green stools?

Baby yellow-green stools are mostly normal, but also need to rule out indigestion, intestinal inflammation and other possibilities. 1. Normal: the baby’s main food for breast milk or formula, breast milk or formula contains more fat, fat in the digestive process requires bile to participate in the digestion, and bile is green, so green stools are physiological symptoms of infancy, without special intervention, with the baby’s age, can gradually return to the normal color of stools. 2. Indigestion: green stools can also occur, the baby’s digestive system is not well developed, improper feeding, intestinal cold, or other external environmental influences, green stools, can be treated by reasonable feeding, oral probiotics to regulate intestinal flora. 3. Inflammation of the intestines: green stools can occur, according to the number of stools, the nature of the stools, with or without pus and blood to determine. If the judgment is intestinal inflammation, go to the hospital in time. Most of the baby yellow-green stools are normal, but we should also exclude the cause of the disease, the need for timely medical treatment, the doctor to identify the cause, not blindly deal with their own.

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