How to eat crawfish itchy body

If, after eating crayfish, the patient experiences intense itching all over the body, and can see the sudden appearance of windy tissues, which are getting bigger and bigger, consider that the patient has skin allergy. The patient at this time, if available, can immediately apply antihistamines for oral administration, such as loratadine, cetirizine, paracetamol, ibastine tablets, fexofenadine, these antihistamines are effective, and can be bought in pharmacies, often oral administration of one of them is sufficient. The vast majority of patients can control their allergies more significantly after taking them orally. However, if the patient’s allergy is not effectively improved after oral intake, it is best to seek medical attention and apply intravenous drugs such as glucocorticoids and calcium gluconate to further control the systemic allergic inflammatory reaction.

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