What’s wrong with the straight leg of a cerebral infarction?

Cerebral infarction walking leg straight may be caused by lower limb muscle weakness, increased muscle tension, long time inactivity leading to limb stiffness, and so on.
1. Weakness of lower limb muscles: patients with cerebral infarction often have unilateral limb weakness, and often leave different degrees of sequelae, if left with lower limb quadriceps muscle weakness, patients can often walk with lower limb uncontrollable, leg weakness, inactivity and discomfort, it is recommended to go to the Department of Rehabilitation for rehabilitation, to promote the recovery of the limb function, to avoid the formation of bad gait.
2. Increased muscle tone in lower limbs: spastic paralysis caused by damage to the cone beam after cerebral infarction, which in turn leads to increased muscle tone, manifested as hard muscles, increased resistance to passive movement, and tonus of the lower limbs, which requires passive and active exercise, acupuncture, etc., to resist spasticity that occurs when muscle tone is increased.
2. Long time inactivity leads to limb stiffness: patients with cerebral infarction often need to stay in bed for a long time for treatment, and when they get out of bed after stabilization of their condition, due to the long time inactivity, stiffness of the joints may occur, and when they walk, they may have symptoms such as straight legs and unsteady walking, etc. They can move slowly with assistance, and the symptoms can be gradually alleviated after exercising and adapting to the condition.
When the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor to avoid delaying the condition.

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