What’s the cause of sudden dizziness, vomiting and cold sweat after lunch?

Sudden dizziness, vomiting and cold sweat after lunch may be caused by postprandial hyperglycemia, cerebral insufficiency of blood supply or acute gastroenteritis.
1. Postprandial hyperglycemia: it usually occurs in diabetic patients, who do not have a reasonable dietary control during the eating process, resulting in elevated blood sugar and sudden dizziness, vomiting and cold sweat.
2. Insufficient blood supply to the brain: if the patient eats too much at lunch, blood may gather in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain as well as insufficient oxygen supply, leading to sudden dizziness, vomiting and cold sweat.
3. Acute gastroenteritis: If patients eat too much cold and irritating food at lunch, it may cause acute gastroenteritis, resulting in sudden dizziness, vomiting and cold sweat.
After eating lunch suddenly dizziness and vomiting cold sweat, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital in time for the relevant examination, and actively cooperate with the doctor symptomatic treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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