What are the symptoms of lymphadenitis behind the ear?

Lymphadenitis behind the ear, which is usually characterized by pain and swollen lymph nodes, is mostly caused by inflammatory irritation. A few may be asymptomatic and discovered unintentionally. Lymph nodes are found throughout the body and there are normal lymph nodes behind the ear, most of which are not palpable. Inflammation is characterized by redness, swelling, heat and pain, and in more severe cases, headache or fever. Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear may become pus-filled or even break down and discharge pus, requiring antibiotic treatment. There are many reasons for the enlargement of lymph nodes behind the ear, inflammation enlargement, tuberculosis enlargement, blood diseases, such as lymphoma caused by enlargement, there is also the possibility of malignant tumors. Therefore, if you find a lymph node behind the ear, you need to go to the hospital to clarify the cause of lymph node enlargement, and if necessary, you also need to take a biopsy to do further pathological examination to make a clear diagnosis.

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