How to treat mold infection in men

Men infected with mold treatment: First, immediately stop contact with the source of infection, such as stopping sexual contact or other related contact, so that the mold can make early recovery. Second, the use of drug therapy, drugs can be used topical medication, such as local contact can be localized using sodium bicarbonate solution for local cleaning, cleaning to keep the local dry, in the diseased area topical miconazole ointment or clotrimazole ointment a little, 3 times / day, the course of treatment for 7-10 days, regular review, observe the improvement of symptoms. If the combination of systemic symptoms such as chills, fever, etc., the need for intravenous use of anti-mycotic drugs for treatment, commonly used for ketoconazole injection 200mg, 1 time / day, 7-10 days of continuous use, observe whether the symptoms have improved. Third, for the presence of diabetes or long-term oral antibiotic drugs, patients need to further stabilize blood sugar, stop taking antibiotics or immunosuppressants if necessary, so that the mycobacterial infection heals as soon as possible.

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