Do oranges work for coughs?

Cough cannot be treated by eating oranges alone, and medication should be taken as prescribed by your doctor.
Cough is a common respiratory symptom, which can be caused by many factors, such as inhalation of dust mites, pollen, animal dander, etc.; respiratory infections caused by bacteria and viruses, etc.; sudden changes in climate; emotional excitement, mental stress; taking beta-blockers such as metoprolol and bisoprolol.
Oranges are common fruits, containing vitamins A, B and other vitamins; and magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and other mineral elements, can be better for the patient to supplement nutrients, improve immunity, but can not achieve the therapeutic effect.
Due to the many causes of cough, it is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner for standardized diagnosis and treatment, and follow the doctor’s instructions for the treatment of the cause, to obtain a better prognosis.

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