Causes of small red pimples at the lower corners of the mouth

Small red pimples on the lower corners of the mouth may be caused by acne vulgaris, which may be caused by endocrine factors, abnormal keratinization of the sebaceous glands and infections. 1. Endocrine factors: If the body’s androgen level is high, it may lead to excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, thus triggering acne vulgaris. 2. Abnormal sebaceous gland keratinization: Abnormal sebaceous gland keratinization may lead to narrowing of follicle orifices and blockage, and sebum may accumulate locally, triggering acne vulgaris. 3. Infectious factors: the common bacteria is Propionibacterium acnes, if Propionibacterium acnes overproliferates, acne vulgaris may occur easily. There are many causes of small red pimples on the lower corners of the mouth, and patients are advised to consult a doctor in a regular hospital about the matter.

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