Can tea oil cure a cough?

Tea oil can not treat cough. Tea oil does not have the effect of treating cough, eating tea oil can supplement the nutrition, 100g tea oil contains 899 calories, 99.9 grams of fat, vitamin E 27.9 mg, calcium 5 mg, retinol equivalent 0.1 micrograms. The main components of tea oil are fatty acids, such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, stearic acid and so on. Consuming tea oil can supplement these nutrients, but it cannot cure a cough. There are many causes of cough, such as respiratory infections, pneumonia, lung tumors, etc. It is important to treat the cause of the cough. Patients with cough should pay attention to the safety of the environment, do not inhale irritating air, do not have bad habits such as smoking and drinking. Drinking tea oil can not cure cough, but cough patients can eat tea oil, cough patients should actively seek medical attention, do not take their own medicine to avoid adverse consequences.

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