What is the experience of applying winter treatment?

“It is based on the principle of “Nourishing Yang in Spring and Summer, and Nourishing Yin in Autumn and Winter” in Su Wen – Four Qi Regulating the Gods, and makes use of the favorable time of high temperature in summer, when the body is full of Yang energy, to adjust the Yin and Yang of the human body and restore the balance of some chronic diseases. The balance of yin and yang in the human body is adjusted so that some chronic diseases can be restored. “Winter diseases” refers to certain pathologies that occur in winter or are aggravated in winter, such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, cold phobia in the elderly, and diseases belonging to the spleen and stomach deficiency cold category in Chinese medicine. The “summer treatment” refers to the remission of these conditions in summer, so we can take advantage of the season of remission to treat them with evidence and take appropriate internal and external prescriptions to prevent the recurrence of old diseases in winter or to reduce their symptoms. Our department adopts the pungent mustard paste to prevent and treat respiratory system diseases, and obtain satisfactory results, which are introduced as follows: Our pungent mustard paste is composed of precious Chinese herbs such as pungent, white mustard seed, Yuanhu, Gansui, musk, and fenugreek, etc. For patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma, pungent yi, dahurica, ephedra, etc. can also be added. The above herbs are finely ground together with ginger juice to form a paste, which is used in the summer. Application: The medicine is spread on eight 2.5 cm-sized anti-allergy tapes, each the size of a soybean, and applied to the lung acupoint, heart acupoint, diaphragm acupoint on the back and the gui, waking ā8 beans and marshes on the front chest for 2-10 hours, once per volt, continuously on the first day of the three volts. For seriously ill patients can be applied continuously, once a day, or once every other day, for the entire day of the volcano. If it can be used for three years in a row on the day of volcano, the effect will be more significant. For some patients with frequent attacks, we supplement the compress with oral Chinese medicine. The cough, phlegm and nasal symptoms are obviously treated with herbal dialectical treatment. Through clinical observation, the number of attacks of patients in the following year is obviously reduced, and the duration of attacks and the severity of symptoms at the time of attacks are improved. The method is simple, economic, non-toxic side effects, suitable for both young and old, and is increasingly recognized by the majority of patients. After years of clinical observation, no adverse reactions have been found, and it will work well for most patients more than once. Some patients’ efficacy is not obvious, mainly related to their own physical deviations, frequent respiratory disease episodes, and heavy underlying diseases, and we also use oral medication accordingly to enhance the efficacy of the patching. We have the following experience: 1, in the weak and vulnerable to cold people can be used alone acupuncture point compress, compress can significantly reduce the incidence of colds in the next year, the statistical efficiency of up to 80%; 2, for patients with allergic rhinitis, we use the summer compress even a month long course of compress method, while adding double fixed asthma points and with oral Chinese medicine, experience formula: raw astragalus 30g, xingyi 10g, The formula: 30g of Astragalus membranaceus, 10g of Radix Angelicae dahuricae, 10g of Rhizoma dahuricae, 10g of Rhizoma ligusticum Chuanxiong, 30g of Cyperus barley, 10g of Cicada molasses, 15g of Rhizoma thornyi, and 10g of Fructus defensa can significantly reduce the occurrence of seasonal allergic rhinitis and significantly reduce the nasal symptoms. Patients should adopt a long course of patching method, add patching fixed wheezing point, and at the same time with oral mealybug fixed wheezing capsule (partial qi and yin deficiency) or Jin Kui Kidney Qi Pill (partial qi deficiency); 4, the prevention of chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is mainly to prevent the occurrence of colds and prevent the induction of lower airway infection. Our hospital adopts the method of patching with oral Chinese medicine to receive better results, according to the physical evidence of different patients choose Chinese medicine, such as: lung Qi deficiency Wei Qi is not solid, manifested as shortness of breath, weakness, sweating, light mouth and other symptoms choose Yu Ping Feng San (drops or capsules) to benefit Qi and fix the surface, partial Qi and Yin deficiency, shortage of breath, weakness, dry mouth and red tongue choose Zhen Qi Fu Zheng capsule to benefit Qi and nourish Yin, for lung For those with deficiency of lung and kidney qi, shortness of breath, weakness, weakness of back and legs, and easy to move, choose Jin Shui Bao capsule (Cordyceps preparation) for oral administration. For patients with serious illness and complicated disease mechanism should be dialectical treatment, the application of Chinese herbal medicine orally, the application of the course of treatment should be not less than one month, patching and oral use, through years of observation, the efficacy of more intended.

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