Loose teeth are Yin or Yang deficiency

Loose teeth can be caused by either Yin or Yang deficiency.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the teeth are the rest of the bones, and the kidneys are the main bone and marrow, so whether the kidney yin deficiency or kidney yang deficiency, the bones will lose the moistening, causing the teeth to loosen.
Kidney yin deficiency is mainly manifested as loose and dry teeth, slightly red gums, accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, hair loss, lumbago and other symptoms, can be in the identification of traditional Chinese medicine under the application of six flavors of dihuang pill, Zhibai Di Huang Pill, Qi Ju Di Huang Pill, the great tonic pill, Zuo Gui Pill, and other medications to regulate.
Kidney yang deficiency is often accompanied by fear of cold, urination, premature ejaculation, fatigue and other symptoms, can be used in Chinese medicine diagnosis Jin Gui Kidney Qi Pills, Gui Su Di Huang Wan, Right Angelica Pills, Kidney Treasure Tablets and other medications to regulate.
Patients with loose teeth, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, improve the relevant examination, under the guidance of the physician active treatment, in order to avoid adverse consequences.

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