Do you need treatment for transaminases 300 to 600?

Transaminases 300-600 U/L need to be treated. Transaminases are found in the heart muscle, liver and other organs and tissues, such as elevated transaminases can be seen in disease and life diet, drugs and other causes. The normal value is usually no more than 45 U/L. The higher the value, the more serious the liver damage. Disease and drug causes, such as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, myocarditis, drug liver damage caused by elevated transaminases, the value can be higher than the normal value of three times, or lower than the normal value of three times. Elevated aminotransferases due to life and diet, such as exertion, staying up late, drinking alcohol, etc. The value is mostly lower than three times of the normal value. Transaminase 300~600U/L suggests that liver function is abnormally elevated, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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