Is it normal to have an itchy bottom when you’re pregnant?

It is not normal to have an itchy bottom when you are pregnant because the local resistance of the vagina decreases after pregnancy and because the hormone level increases, the secretion of glycogen in the vagina also increases, so the acidity of the vagina increases, which is conducive to the growth of mycobacteria, and the most common form of vaginitis after pregnancy is mycobacterial vaginitis. The most common form of vaginitis after pregnancy is mycobacterial vaginitis. If you have vaginitis after pregnancy, it can have a significant impact on your pregnancy and may cause preterm miscarriage or embryonic arrest. In late pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes and fetal amnionitis may occur, which can have a significant impact on the development of the fetus, so treatment must be carried out as soon as possible. You need to go to the hospital to have your leukorrhea tested, because besides mycosis vaginalis, there are also trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginitis, all of which can cause vulvar itching, so you need to treat with medication according to the results of the test.

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