What are the post-operative considerations for maxillofacial surgery?

       Maxillofacial surgery incisions are located in the mouth, surgery is the plastic surgery of the facial bones, as the saying goes, “it takes a hundred days to move the bones”, so the postoperative swelling of the face and neck, skin bruising, numbness of the lips, and last for a period of time are all normal postoperative reactions, no special treatment and worry, these discomforts will gradually subside over time. Generally speaking, the ideal results can appear only after 3 months after surgery. However, if swelling is not relieved, localized hard nodes, pain, fever, or bleeding from the intra-oral wound, please contact the hospital promptly.  After surgery, a drainage tube will be left in the wound to drain the blood exuding from the operated area to reduce facial swelling. If the syringe is full of blood, please inform the nurse to replace the syringe in time, or inform the medical staff in time if very little blood is drained after surgery. The doctor will remove the drainage tube on the first 1-2 days after surgery. The doctor will remove the facial dressing and replace the elastic headgear on 2-5 days after surgery, please purchase the headgear in advance (consult the doctor for the specific model): you can take oral anti-swelling medicine for 2 weeks after surgery. The stitches of the intra-oral wound will be removed about 10 days after surgery (not counting the day of surgery), please make an appointment with your bedside doctor for the removal of the stitches before discharge. Generally, most of the facial swelling will have subsided by this time, but it will take up to 3 months after the surgery for the swelling to completely subside and for the desired results to appear. Please be patient and wear a good elastic headgear during this period. It is recommended that you wear it for more than 12 hours a day to help shape the facial contour (the compression of the elastic headgear does not need to be too tight, as long as you are comfortable and no facial swelling and skin strangulation marks occur).  Suggestions for postoperative diet and oral hygiene: 1. Wear the elastic headgear when eating, and remove it when rinsing your mouth to help prevent food residues from being left in the wound.  2. 3 days after surgery, please eat a full liquid food at room temperature (including water, juice, milk, soy milk, rice soup, broth, etc.); during this period of hospitalization, the nurse will assist you in oral cleaning, please rinse your mouth with water more often to keep your mouth clean: rinse with water several times a day for 1-2 hours, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash after eating; 3. 4-11 days after surgery, you can eat semi-liquid food (including egg custard, noodles, thin porridge, etc.). 4.After 12 days after surgery, you can eat ordinary soft food and brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush, but please do not eat sharp and hard food.  Please return to the hospital for review 3-12 months after surgery, so that the doctor can observe the bone healing and recovery.

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