Dysplasia symptoms and treatment

  What is a “diastema”?  The normal anterior bite relationship is that the upper front teeth are in front of the lower front teeth. If the opposite phenomenon occurs, that is, the lower front teeth are located in front of the upper front teeth, is often referred to as “enamel”, the medical term for anterior teeth anti-jaw. “It is a common malocclusion in children in China, which has a serious impact on oral function, facial aesthetics and psychological health, and the symptoms gradually worsen as the patient grows older.  Why does “Geodontia” occur?  There are many causes of “ingrown jaws”, which can be categorized as genetic, congenital diseases, and acquired causes. “Certain congenital disorders such as congenital cleft lip and palate can also cause “geodesis”. Acquired causes include systemic diseases such as rickets, respiratory diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, abnormal replacement of milk and permanent teeth, poor oral habits such as tongue sticking, finger sucking, upper lip biting, jaw protrusion, and improper artificial feeding (e.g., supine feeding, bottle feeding, forcing the baby to suck forward).  What are the dangers of “Diastemas”?  The “geoduck” can cause abnormalities in oral function, including decreased chewing efficiency and bite trauma. In addition, severe cases often lead to facial depression, chin protrusion, “crescent face”, which has a significant impact on the patient’s aesthetics, and then can lead to corresponding psychological problems, affecting the normal work and study life of patients.  How to treat “Diastemas”? What is the best time to treat “Diastemas”?  If you find out that you have a “geodesic” condition, you should go to the hospital in time to get a clear diagnosis of the cause. Treatment differs for different causes.  In children, “ingrown jaws” are often caused by bad habits, and after the bad habits are removed, the jaws can return to their original position and the retrusion can be eliminated. If it does not go away, then treatment is required. Generally, anterior jaws can be treated around the age of 4. If the child is cooperative, treatment should be done as early as possible to prevent the jaw from developing further.  The early period of the teeth replacement and permanent teeth (8-10 years old) is the appropriate period for treatment of “enameled teeth”. This is the time to wear a special orthopedic appliance, the development of the restricted upper jaw to the front traction, to promote the growth and development of the upper jaw, can achieve twice the result with half the effort.  For adult patients who have completed development, the less severe skeletal causes can be masked by fixed orthodontic treatment; if the skeletal factors are more severe, surgical methods are required to correct the faulty skeletal relationships.

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