Is 227 μmol/L high or low uric acid

Uric acid 227 μmol/L is within the normal range. Blood uric acid in normal men is 150~416μmol/L, and blood uric acid in normal women is 89~357μmol/L. Uric acid is the metabolism product of purine in human nucleoprotein and nucleic acid, which can come from the body and food. The concentration of uric acid in the blood is affected by glomerular filtration function and tubular reabsorption function, and uric acid 227 μmol/L is normal for either men or women. Since uric acid is produced by purine metabolism, people with high uric acid need to strictly limit the intake of high-purine foods, such as beer, hot pot, seafood, etc., and need to be tested for glomerular filtration impairment. If the blood uric acid test results are abnormal, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to clarify the cause of the disease, and targeted treatment or treatment.

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