What’s wrong with farting after a stomach ache?

The causes of farting relief after stomach pain include indigestion, gastritis, stomach cramps and so on. 1. Indigestion: If you consume too much protein or fat in a short period of time, you will easily suffer from indigestion, which will cause stomach pain and produce more gas. Usually, the stomach pain will be relieved after farting, but you still need to consult a doctor. 2. Gastritis: Gastritis can also cause stomach pain, and the symptoms will be relieved after farting. This is mainly because gastritis can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, which in turn prevents adequate digestion of the ingested food and produces a large amount of gas, exacerbating the pain. 3. Stomach cramps: Stomach cramps are mostly caused by cold stomach and improper diet, which will lead to transient pain in the stomach and will be gradually relieved after farting. To summarize, in life, many people will have stomach pain after farting to ease the phenomenon, which will affect the quality of life. If the condition persists for a long time, it is recommended to seek medical advice as soon as possible and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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