Can closed tibial fractures be treated conservatively?

Closed tibial fractures can be treated conservatively. But only for patients with simple closed fractures.
If the patient is a simple closed fracture can be treated conservatively. The treatment method is usually to use plaster, splints and other immobilization, usually need to be immobilized for more than 8 weeks. During the period of conservative treatment, patients are advised to go to the hospital for regular checkups to observe the recovery.
After the fracture has healed, the externally immobilized cast or splint is removed. Patients are advised to walk with crutches or walkers after removal of the cast to avoid symptoms of muscle atrophy.
It is recommended that the patient rests in bed and not remove the cast or splint too soon to prevent the speed of recovery. If the patient is a patient with obvious displacement of the fracture end or comminuted fracture, it is not recommended to take conservative treatment, and should be promptly consulted under the guidance of the doctor for appropriate treatment.

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