There are several types of abortion which is the best

Abortion includes surgical abortion and medication abortion, abortion needs to choose the appropriate way according to their own situation, so there is no best case scenario. Abortion, or artificial abortion, refers to the use of artificial methods to terminate pregnancy due to unintended pregnancy, disease and other reasons, is the remedy for contraceptive failure. Currently, there are surgical abortion and medication abortion. Surgical abortion is the use of surgical methods to terminate pregnancy, including negative pressure suction and forceps scraping. Drug abortion is the use of drugs rather than surgery to terminate early pregnancy, a contraceptive failure of remedial measures. The drugs currently in clinical use are mifepristone and misoprostol. Abortion has a certain impact on women’s reproductive health, and good contraception to avoid or reduce unwanted pregnancy is the real purpose of family planning work. Abortion methods to terminate early pregnancy include surgical abortion and medication abortion. Negative pressure suction is suitable for those who request termination within 10 weeks of pregnancy. Medication abortion is more suitable for healthy women who are ≤ 49 days pregnant and have high risk factors for abortion. Early pregnant women >49 days of gestation should be considered at their discretion and hospitalized for a medication abortion if necessary. Usually, each abortion method has its own characteristics and is applicable to different groups of people. As life is not easy to come by, women are advised to choose carefully before the abortion procedure, and after the procedure, nutritional intake as well as rest and treatment should be ensured.

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