What acupoints to choose to regulate liver fire?

Liver fire can be regulated by pressing and kneading or acupuncture at Taichong point, Manxi point and Xingma point. 1. Taichong point: located in the back of the foot behind the big toe and the second toe cleft position, for liver fire caused by irritability, eye redness, swelling and pain, bitter and dry mouth and other symptoms, you can press and knead this point or under the guidance of the doctor to take the acupuncture point acupuncture treatment for symptomatic relief play a certain role. 2. Man Xi point: in the dorsum of the foot, the fifth toe tip, toe web edge after the red and white meat intersection (palm of the hand and the back of the hand, the heart of the foot and the dorsum of the foot junction of the location) that is the point, for the liver fire patients can be pressed and kneaded or acupuncture point to treat, acupuncture and kneading, the emergence of acidity, numbness, distension and pain can be felt. 3. Interlinear Point: Located on the back of the foot, between the first and second toes, the toe web edge of the red and white meat at the intersection of this point, patients with liver fire, symptoms of chest and ribs (chest and rib areas collectively) full of boring burning pain, bitter mouth, dry eyes and other symptoms, you can press and knead or acupuncture this point for treatment. If you are not feeling well, it is recommended that you consult a doctor in time. Acupuncture operations should be carried out by a professional physician, and if necessary, it is more effective to take it with traditional Chinese medicine.

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