Tui-na method for pediatric mesenteric lymphadenitis

Pediatric mesenteric lymphadenitis belongs to the category of abdominal pain in Chinese medicine. Pediatric massage treatment of pediatric abdominal pain, generally also pay attention to the diagnosis and treatment, according to the etiology of pediatric abdominal pain and other pathogenesis of manipulative treatment, as follows: 1, cold pain: the treatment is to warm the middle and disperse the cold, regulate the qi to relieve pain. The prescription is to tonify the spleen meridian, moisten the abdomen 300 times each, knead a nest of wind, knead the outer labyrinth 200 times each, take the belly angle is 20 times; 2, deficiency cold type abdominal pain: general treatment is generally based on warming the spleen and kidney, benefit qi to relieve pain. The prescription is given to nourish the spleen meridian, abdominal massage 300 times each, knead the outer labor palace, and transport the inner bagua 100 times each; 3, abdominal pain of injury and diarrhea: the general treatment is to eliminate food and guide stagnation, move qi and relieve pain. The tui na prescription given is to supplement the spleen meridian, clear the large intestine, 300 times each abdominal massage, transport the internal bagua, clear the Panmen, pushing the four horizontal lines 200 times each, take the belly angle 20 times; 4, abdominal pain caused by insect diseases: the general treatment principle is to warm the middle and move the qi, round the pain, give the tui na prescription, smooth the abdomen 300 times each, knead a nest of wind, knead the outer labor palace 200 times each, take the belly angle 20 times. The above are all based on clinical is typology, according to different types of evidence to carry out tui na treatment.

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