What is the cause of the itchy soles of the feet without any symptoms on the surface?

Itchy soles of the feet without any symptoms on the surface belongs to pruritus, the causes of which mainly include dry skin, visceral diseases, tumors, neurological disorders, endocrine abnormalities and so on. Pruritus is a skin disease that occurs only when the skin is itchy without primary skin damage.
1. Dry skin: this is the most common cause of pruritus, generally if the diligent bathing, bathing water temperature is too high, the use of alkaline soap, etc., or the elderly skin aging, sebum secretion is reduced, etc., which can lead to dry skin, itchy skin.
2. Visceral diseases:Generally, liver and gallbladder diseases occur, resulting in biliary stasis and itchy skin. It may be related to the increase of bile salts, bile pigment, urea or other metabolites in the skin.
3. Tumors:Patients suffering from malignant tumors may have itchy skin without obvious causes.
4. Neurological disorders: excessive mental tension, depression or anxiety can lead to generalized or limited itching.
5. Endocrine abnormalities: diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other diseases can also cause itchy skin without obvious causes.
It is recommended that patients go to the dermatology department of the regular hospital, under the guidance of the doctor to confirm the diagnosis, to clarify the cause of the disease, and active treatment.

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